Rusland vil øge afhængigheden af ​​nationale valutaer i energihandel, Lover at flytte væk fra den amerikanske dollar

Russia will increase its reliance on national currencies to settle payments for its energy resources, moving away from the US dollar, according to Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak. Novak noted there is a great interest in acquiring Russian energy resources,…

Frankrigs præsident Emmanuel Macron om Taiwan: 'At være allieret betyder ikke at være en vasal'

French president Emmanuel Macron has decided to double down on his strategic autonomy policy thesis, declaring that Europe should not be forced to side with Beijing or Washington on Taiwan. Macron declared that being a U.S. ally ‘does not mean being

Ukraine fremskynder det digitale Hryvnia-projekt, Planlægger pilot for i år

Ukrainian authorities are speeding up the development of the electronic hryvnia, a high-ranking government official indicated. The executive power in Kyiv is now in talks with the central bank and businesses involved in the project to pilot the digital currency as

Elon Musk siger, at Spacex vil fortsætte med at finansiere Ukraine gratis, selvom Starlink taber penge - 80 millioner dollars brugt indtil videre

Spacex CEO Elon Musk says that his company willkeep fundingthe government of Ukraine for free even though Starlink is losing money, noting that it has cost Spacex $80 million so far to provide internet terminals and services to Ukraine….

Binance-stifter CZ annoncerer rumænsk kontor som en del af regional udvidelse

Changpeng Zhao (CZ), founder and chief executive officer of cryptocurrency exchange Binance, has announced the opening of an office in Romania. During a visit to the country, he met with high-ranking officials and emphasized Binances intentions to expand direct operations in

UK regulator advarer, at Crypto Exchange FTX leverer tjenester uden autorisation

Britains top financial regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), has issued a warning about cryptocurrency exchange FTX operating in the U.K. without authorization. “Almost all firms and individuals offering, promoting or selling financial services or products in the U.K. have to

IMF Bailout kan være i Storbritanniens fremtid, Siger strateg

Mizuho Securitieshead of global macro strategies has warned that an IMF bailout may be in the U.K.s future. i øvrigt, a former chancellor of the exchequer cautioned that Britain is entering a long and severe recession, emphasizing that it’s centralbank har aktivt testet sin digitale valuta “the worst

Rusland kan ikke undvære grænseoverskridende kryptobetalinger, Konsensus nået

Key government institutions have agreed that Russia needs to legalize crypto payments for international settlements. The proposal has been gaining support in the past few months since Moscows decision to invade Ukraine was met with wave after wave of Western sanctions….

WEFs store nulstillingsdagsorden fortsætter med at få et betydeligt tilbageslag fra kritikere

Midt i Covid-19-pandemien i 2020, verdenen’s bureaukrater, finansielle institutioner, multinationale selskaber, og internationale organisationer begyndte at promovere Great Reset-konceptet, en idé lanceret af World Economic Forum (WEF) som hævder at styrke en grønnere og mere retfærdig verden. Siden…

Det russiske handelskammer foreslår at bruge kryptovalutaer i bosættelser med Afrika

Employing crypto in cross-border payments is one of the proposals put forward by the Russian Chamber Of Commerce lobbying for more cooperation with African countries. Amid unprecedented sanctions limiting Russias ability to trade internationally, the head of the board has urged